Discover how money raised through the 2XChallenge is changing lives for women and their communities across the developing world.
Africa-focused private equity group Alterra Africa Accelerator (AAA) Fund Manager proudly qualifies for the 2X Challenge 2023, a milestone that underscores the group’s commitment to advancing gender equity within the industry and throughout its investment portfolio.
Invest2Impact was an initiative that emerged from the 2X Challenge, in partnership with FinDev Canada, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Proparco, DFC and British International Investment (formerly CDC), the Mastercard Foundation and the Graça Machel Trust. It was created with the aim to support women entrepreneurs in East Africa and to better understand their business growth and financing journeys. The program came to an end in March 2022.
A comprehensive overview of the learnings, achievements and activities deployed under the 2X Challenge and 2X Collaborative banners.
BluePeak’s 2X Challenge status demonstrates the firm’s commitment to gender-lens investing in Africa by advancing women’s economic empowerment and encouraging gender equality both directly and via its portfolio companies.
The Circulate Capital Ocean Fund (CCOF) is the first fund focused on the plastic circular economy to qualify as a 2X Investment.
We signed an agreement earlier this month on qualifying for the 2X Challenge for our leadership in promoting the economic empowerment of women.
The development of energy and infrastructure projects in developing countries often affects the social, economic and political climate of surrounding communities. Developers must actively engage with local communities, especially women, due to increased risks related to Gender Based Violence and Harassment.
Integra’s seeks to deliver improved wellbeing of the underserved in South East Asia via access to affordable and responsible financial services and healthcare.
Women are often excluded from financial markets and are limited in their economic and social potential. The “2X Challenge” committed to address these issues by investing 3 billion dollars in projects and companies that improve women’s access to leadership positions.
Over 200 businesses in the developing world received investment over the last three years
Through its pioneering $100 million fund, Alitheia IDF (AIF) provides catalytic capital to high growth women-owned, women-led or women-serving companies
Concrete guidance on how to structure a gender lens into the legal documentation of a transaction.
Empowering women is key for development. The 2X Challenge supports finance for women-owned businesses, which often don’t get the funding they need.
Climate Fund supporting clean power in Sub-Saharan Africa and South and South East Asia applies a gender lens to its investment
DPI’s African Development Partners III Fund (“ADP III”) has been chosen as the first 2X Flagship Fund, committed to investing with a gender lens.
At their latest webinar, the 2X Challenge and Gender Finance Collaborative (GFC) provided Goldman Sachs Foundation with a platform to showcase Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women online.
Women in Latin America and the Caribbean have larger limitations when trying to access and control productive assets. Proparco’s investment in Capital Bank will help bridge this gap.
FMO has committed EUR9.5 million over five years to the Small and Growing Businesses (SGB) Fund for investment in women-owned and managed businesses. The SGB Fund was set up in 2014 to provide business development assistance, as well as start-up and early stage growth-capital to SGBs in Africa. It focuses on SGBs at the base of the SME pyramid, which are grossly underserved by other funds or financiers.
Ugandan women own about 39 percent of businesses with registered premises, yet they receive only nine percent of commercial credit (IFC and DFCU group, 2008). UDB's first-ever loan to be signed under the SheInvest Initiative in partnership with EIB will help bridge this credit gap.
In Peru, socio-economic indicators show that women are almost 30% less likely to have equal opportunities as men. Danper is playing a strong role in eliminating such gaps in its own environment while serving as a role model for others.
This inaugural certified social bond issuance will help expand credit lines to women-led small and medium-sized enterprises (WSME) — an important sector that drives economic growth and employment.
EcoEnterprises III will focus on Latin American SMEs that show high potential to protect fragile environments, create jobs and empower women in rural areas.
A holistic approach to driving gender diversity helps PEG qualify as CDC’s first 2X investment
IndusInd bank in India, a $100 million OPIC transaction that supports women borrowers in India